OS Partner Marketing Scheme

Helping Channel Partners to market and sell OS products more effectively and generate more revenue

Enhanced marketing support and resources

Our Channel marketing scheme is designed to help generate more revenue for organisations, by helping channel partners market and sell OS products effectively. This creates a win-win relationship between OS and its Channel Partners.

Partners will receive the support of OS’ marketing expertise through our marketing tools and campaigns.

As a result, Partners will be equipped with the latest OS know-how on acquiring new customers through lead generation activity.

Our scheme will provide

  • Partner-led lead generation campaigns, designed alongside dedicated marketing teams

  • A Market Development Fund (MDF) that gives OS Channel Partners the opportunity to leverage funding, to increase brand awareness and drive sales of their products

  • A range of on-demand marketing collateral, and self-service co-brandable campaigns

Explore the marketing modules

Sign in to the Partner Portal to access our range of marketing resources

Further details about the marketing scheme

How will the Partner marketing scheme support me?

Redeveloped Partner Finder

The recently redeveloped Partner Finder gives clearer access to our Partner network by providing easy- to -use filtering based on what a customer is trying to do, what sector they are from, and what product(s) or family of products they are interested in.

Making OS experts available to you

We will continue to support Partners’ marketing activities by offering sales and subject matter experts for events, and trade shows.

Market Development Fund

OS Channel Partners will have access to a proposal-based market development fund. Based on a range of qualifying criteria, funds will be awarded in collaboration with a Partner’s marketing team with pre-agreed ROI targets. There are two parts of the MDF programme designed to suit all tiers of the OS Channel Partner Programme.

Explore the marketing modules

Sign in to the Partner Portal to access our range of marketing resources

Further benefits of the OS Partner Programme

  • Insights Scheme

    The OS Partner Insight Scheme involves partners in the strategic direction of OS and its products.

  • Enablement Scheme

    As part of the OS Channel Partner Programme, we’re introducing an enablement scheme that supports the lifecycle of an OS partner.