How to join the OS Channel Partner Programme​

Find out how to join the programme, with legal information and helpful questions and answers

Look out for your invitation

Eligible OS Licensed Partners will receive an invite to join our OS Channel Partner Programme. Your email contains information about your allocated tier and what this means for you and your partnership with OS.

Not received the email? Ask us to resend


Your email will contain an addendum to the Framework Contract (Partners). Acceptance of these additional terms will lead to immediate acceptance into the OS Channel Partner Programme.

Membership of the OS Channel Partner Programme is voluntary and therefore it is not mandatory to accept these Terms in order to be a licensed partner under any of the Main Agreements.

  • Step 1. Once you’ve read the invitation, click on the link to accept the terms
  • Step 2. This will take you to our website where you can review the terms of the agreement
  • Step 3. Complete the form with your account ID and submit the form

Why has this programme been introduced?

We’ve been listening to feedback from our existing partners about the need for clarity on what support we have on offer and about new ways that we can work together. The OS Channel Partner Programme will provide the basis for closer collaboration to support the Partner lifecycle, from recruitment through development and on to independence, and incentivise and support Partners to deliver increased sales.

How will OS support me and my organisation?

The OS Channel Partner Programme will provide the basis for closer collaboration to support the Partner lifecycle, from recruitment through development and on to independence, and incentivise and support Partners to deliver increased sales.

To find out more about the services and support provided, please visit our OS Channel Partner Programme webpage.

What training can I get?

Through our OS Channel Partner Programme you can access a programme of enablement that supports the lifecycle of an OS partner: introductory sessions, deep dives, advanced sessions, and ongoing knowledge transfer through briefings and learning sessions. This includes a range of training sessions with knowledge transfer, briefings on product launches and a calendar of activities engaging partner technical staff and developers. Sign into the Partner Portal and look out for updates.

What’s the difference between the tiers?

To find out about our tiering structure, please visit our webpage OS Partner tiers explained.

What if I do not agree with my tier allocation?

Partner Tiers have been pre-allocated against fixed requirements which will be communicated to Partners following Programme launch.

Partners can:

  • 'Accept' onto the Programme at their pre-allocated tier,
  • 'Not Accept' if they do not agree of with their initial allocation (with an opportunity to submit evidence to demonstrate fulfilment of tier requirements)

Any Partner who doesn't respond to their tier allocation, will be automatically opted out of the programme.

Can I download the partner programme terms?

Yes. You can download the OS Channel Partner Programme Terms 

What if I choose not to join?

You are still a valued OS Partner with a Framework Contract (Partners), so you’ll still have access to the OS Partner Portal and Partner Newsletter, but you’ll miss out on the enhanced benefits of being in the OS Channel Partner Programme. We support a growing number of OS Partners who share our passion for location insight, enabling them to self-serve from a range of content designed to support their projects, hobbies and interests.

You can choose to join at any time, just speak to your Account Manager.

Who can I speak to if I have questions?

If you have any questions about the OS Channel Partner Programme, please speak to your Account Manager or contact us today.

How can I join if I’m not already an OS Licensed Partner?

If you are not an existing OS Licensed Partner but would like to become one, please visit our Become an OS Channel Partner page to register.

Join our partner network

Would you like to talk about becoming an OS Licensed Partner? When you partner with OS, we’ll work with you to support the use of our products, and commit to helping you and your business reach your objectives.

Sign in to the Partner Portal